Sustainability and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Disclosure

Sustainability and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Disclosure

About Inadev Corporation

Inadev Corporation (Inadev) is focused on its founding principle to build innovative customer-centric solutions incredibly fast, secure, and at scale. Remaining true to this founding principle, Inadev has grown to an award-winning global company delivering world-class digital experiences to the largest federal agencies, commercial companies (large and small), non-profits, and state and local organizations. Core solutions include codeless automation, data science, identity intelligence, and fraud detection. Inadev’s culture and team dynamic is driven by their “P.L.E.D.G.E” (Promoting Diversity, Leading With Courage, Establishing Collaborative Partnerships, Delivering Innovation, Governing Ourselves, and Enjoying Our Work).

Committed to Sustainability

In addition to our services and internal/external values, we strive to be a good corporate citizen, to include making conscious business choices to minimize harmful impacts to the environment. For example, we chose to lease corporate office space within a LEED® Gold Existing Buildings certified building , resulting in incorporation of a plethora of green initiatives, operations, and strategies for protecting resources. This includes, but is not limited to, energy-efficient lighting, temperature and air conditioning controls, and free cooling systems. A computerized Building Management System monitors/controls energy use. 100 percent of the energy used comes from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. This in turn results in a significant reduction of greenhouse gas/CO2 emissions as compared to non-LEED® buildings.

GHG Emissions Evaluation and Disclosure

Along the same vein of environmental stewardship, Inadev chose to evaluate our Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) emissions footprint for calendar year 2022. It was determined that there were no Scopes 1 or 2 GHG emissions associated with our corporate entity or our subsidiaries in 2022. Further details are provided below.

The evaluation entailed determining GHG emissions associated with our operations within a defined boundary and scope. This was conducted in accordance with the guiding principles established by the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, to include establishment of organizational and operational boundaries.

Organizational Boundary

The Organizational Boundary defines which company entities and associated assets to include in the evaluation of GHG emissions. The GHG Protocol includes an equity share vs. financial or operational control approach. As a corporate entity, Inadev consists of the parent/corporate company and four subsidiaries. Since Inadev maintains full ownership and full operational control of the corporate parent and subsidiaries, including the complete authority to create and apply operating policies and maintain operational control, Inadev implemented the Operational Control approach (all entities were included in the evaluation).

Operational Boundary

The Operational Boundary defines the sources of GHG emissions from the entities that fall within our organizational boundary. To aid in both identification and reporting, the GHG Protocol defines three Scopes of GHG emissions. The scopes and types of emissions associated with the scopes are as follows:

Scope Type of Emissions Included

Scope 1: Direct GHG Emissions

Emissions from sources owned or controlled by a company. Relevant examples include stationary combustion of fossil fuels at a facility (e.g., boilers), owned company vehicles, refrigeration and air conditioning systems, fire suppression systems.

Scope 2: Electricity Indirect GHG Emissions

Emissions from the generation of purchased electricity that is consumed in its owned or controlled equipment or operations.

Scope 3: Other Indirect GHG Emissions (Optional)

Other indirect GHG emissions which are the result of activities from assets not owned or controlled by the reporting organization, but that the organization indirectly affects in its value chain.

GHG Emissions Evaluation

Inadev chose to evaluate Scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions for calendar year 2022 for entities falling within our operational boundary.

Corporate Entity: The corporate entity operates out of a leased office space (operating lease), and as such, Appendix F to the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard “Categorizing GHG Emissions Associated with Leased Assets” was followed. Proper categorization of emissions from leased assets by lessors and lessees ensures that Scopes 1 and 2 emissions are not double-counted.

According to this guidance, when reporting under the operational control approach and under an operating lease, direct emissions such as stationary combustion, air conditioning, and use of refrigerants should be included as Scope 1 emissions, and indirect emissions from purchased electricity should be included as Scope 2. However, the guidance also states that if operational control is not perceived over leased assets held under an operating lease, then emissions from these assets would not be reported as Scope 1 and/or 2 emissions by the lessee (rather may be reported as Scope 3 optional emissions).

This latter applies in the case of the Inadev corporate office; as a lessee, we do not have control on and cannot regulate heating, cooling, fire suppression, or the one residential-sized refrigeration unit in our leased space. Our corporate entity also does not own any company vehicles. In addition, our leased space is not metered for electricity use, and moreover electricity cannot be controlled in our leased space (automatic on/off sensors, including in the common areas).

Subsidiaries: In 2022, operations did not take place in Inadev’s subsidiary offices; rather they took place in alternate locations that Inadev did not have operational control over.

Summary of GHG Emissions Evaluation: Inadev did not have any Scopes 1 or 2 GHG emissions in 2022 from our corporate entity or subsidiaries. Inadev will strive to continue our good corporate citizenship and environmental stewardship practices.


i) Inadev’s Corporate Leased Office Building Sustainability Credentials:

ii) GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.

iii) Categorizing GHG Emissions Associated with Leased Assets: Appendix F to the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard – Revised Edition June 2006, Version 1.0.